This program helps people experiencing job loss or loss of income as a result of COVID-19, and can provide rental assistance.

Who can apply?
Renters who have experienced job loss or a reduction in annual income due to COVID-19
Landlords who have lost rental income because a renter has experienced job loss or a reduction in income as a result of COVID-19
How do renter's qualify?
Renter’s income may not exceed the Area Median Income for Allegheny County (and adjusted for the number of people in the household).
Renter must document at least a 30% reduction in income since March 1, 2020, due to COVID-19; OR
Renter must have become unemployed, as verified by the PA Department of Labor and Industry, after March 1, 2020 as a result of COVID-19.
What assistance is provided?
Up to $750/month per household in state-funded rental assistance;
Up to $750/month per household in Allegheny County-funded rental assistance
Up to $200/month per household in County funding to cover additional household costs for gas, electric, and/or internet; late fees charged by the landlord and/or utility company; and/or court costs
Payments will be made to the landlord on behalf of the renter for a maximum of six months of assistance between March 1 and November 30, 2020 (may include December rent).
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